Christina Kruse, photographed by Paul Rowland.
Christina Kruse is a model and a photographer. She has spent eleven years focusing the camera on her own persona to produce a series of works that explore the idea of self-portraiture. Most of her photographs play with feminine stereotypes.
In 1997 Christina bought a Mamiya camera and began the first of her "books" (an ongoing project), a series of mixed media journals chronicling her world travels and composed of call ages, drawings, writings in several languages and photographic self-portraits. As an artist, working primarily in photography and mixed media, she has had shows in Paris (at the Sanchez Galley, 1998, and the Cueto Gallery, 1999), New York (Spencer Brownstone, 1999), and in Hamburg, Germany ( at the Galerie Robert Morat, 2007).
Christina's recent projects include three series of photographs (Women On Beaches and Religious Affairs, Perspective People), a performance art piece printed on canvas (No-Series). At present, in addition to her ongoing "books" project, Kruse has two additional series of photographs in progress (Domestic Affairs and Underwaterworlds), a series of sculptures and a 2-panel video installation.
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