I love working with Rony. He has the talent to focus his lens to reveal only the qualities in a woman that as a whole give pleasure to the senses - in other words, gorgeousness.
Yulia Kharlapanova

Yulia Kharlapanova

Alexa Yudina

Alexa Yudina

Toma Barkova

Toma Barkova

Valeria Sokolova

Valeria Sokolova

Katarina Ivanovska
Olya Ivanisevic

Olya Ivanisevic

Ana Mihajlovic

Rony was interviewed in a German photo magazine a few months ago. It was mostly about technique, but there were a few non-technical questions in there that showed me who the modest man behind the camera is:
I have had almost no formal education in photography. When I decided I wanted to shoot professionally, I took two lighting courses at night. Other than that, I took some photo classes in high school. I never really imaged this would be a career.
When Istarted, I really didn't know the first thing about this business--including the fact that most photographers start as assistants (which is a great idea, by the way). As such, I have never assisted. I don't think I've ever been to a photo shoot where I wasn't the photographer. It's both a blessing and a curse. My style has definitely been defined by the fact that I am almost exclusively self-taught.
By the way, I wouldn't exactly say I am "up"--maybe up and coming, at best. I still have a long way to go.
2. So how did you get into fashion photography?
Good question. I came to New York to study political science at Columbia. I graduated and worked in consulting for a couple of years before deciding I wanted to go to law school. And then one day I realized it was all a bad idea. I just couldn't imagine continuing on that path anymore. A good friend told me to follow my dreams. I naively went out and bought a camera. And I struggled for a while until someone decided to take a chance on me.
3. What inspires you?
As far as ideas... those come from pretty much anywhere. But as far as motivation and interest are concerned, I would have to say my inspiration comes from the models. My work is mostly about the women in the images (and women in general), above anything else. It's about the energy and beauty they emanate. I'm not trying to challenge or subvert any of the established notions of femininity (or at least as they exist in my mind). I honor and celebrate them.
Rony's work can be seen at: www.RonyShram.com
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