Thursday, March 26, 2009

Take me out tonight where there's music and there's people and they're young and alive

Morrissey is playing tonight at Carnegie Hall - I have been waiting for this moment for my entire life. Tonight will be my first time seeing him perform.

Oscillate Wildly is my favorite Smiths song - there is something about the melody that instantly brings me back to a certain spring and summer. This instrumental track says so much, without any words. This lack of obvious meaning or lyrical context make it about whatever I want it to be about.

My friend Evelyn introduced me to The Smiths music. I don't have any older brothers or sisters, and my local "Alternative" radio station WDRE 92.7 rarely played The Smiths or Morrissey. The most peaceful place for me was walking , listening to my Smiths tape in my walkman. The Smiths are literally are the soundtrack to my teen years.

I for one couldnt be happier that Morrissey's music has lately been embraced by a wider demographic. My experience with the music has always been solitary, so I am elated to be in a hall full of people who all have their own personal relationship with Morrissey.

The Smiths used a still photograph of Joe Dallesandro, from the film Flesh as the cover of their eponymous debut album:

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